Knowledge Base
The DNA testing knowledge base is a source of varied information about DNA testing. Find articles about paternity tests, and relationship DNA tests, or learn the use of Forensic samples in DNA testing.
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EasyDNA keeps adding more and more articles as progress and changes are made in the fields of genetic testing. These updates are important because you can remain au-courant with new tests available such as the Predisposition DNA test, a new test which can tell you what your likelihood of getting certain genetic diseases is. If you have heard about any celebrities that have done DNA tests such as Keanu Reeves, you can read about them here. Moreover, you will find articles about how to take DNA samples and important issues to bear in mind when thinking of doing a DNA test.
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DNA Paternity Test Articles

DNA Testing Biologically Related Fathers
Paternity tests are often something that is followed suit by an interesting, albeit controversial, story. The paternity testing facility commonly

DNA Sampling On A Newborn Infant
Babies are some of life’s greatest joys. There is nothing more heartwarming than seeing those innocent tiny little arms reaching

Evolution Of DNA Paternity Testing
DNA paternity testing is often an underrated and overlooked form of medical science that is often just used in typical

Can a Man Force a Woman to Take a Paternity Test?
In a perfect world, when a woman gives birth to a child, it is nearly always automatically assumed that the

Can You Contaminate A Paternity Test?
Home DNA paternity tests are a common tool that you can use to determine the legitimacy of the father in question

Can Twins Have Different Races? Marcia and Millie Briggs Story.
Amanda Wanklin and Michael Biggs, a biracial couple, are the parents to twins Marcia and Millie Briggs. What makes the
DNA Testing Articles
Signs of childhood trauma can be inherited and passed on
People who have suffered traumatic experiences also suffer long-lasting physical and mental consequences. A new study shows that these consequences can be passed on to later generations.

5 Ways Genetic Testing is Changing the World
Genetic testing has made an impact by reuniting families, but beyond that, it is also changing the world by playing a significant role in the medical legal, legal, and scientific fields.

Studies reveal how crucial genetic testing is for children with ASD
While genetic testing is recommended for all children diagnosed with autism, how important is it really? This study explains why genetic testing is crucial for children with ASD.

The Genetic Compatibility Test
Most people are not aware they are carriers for genetic diseases. The genetic compatibility test screens for more than 600 genetic disorders before pregnancy, preventing the possibility of transmitting diseases to children.

3 Misconceptions You Might Have About Drug Testing
Despite being so common, there are still some misconceptions about drug testing that need correcting. Here are 3 misconceptions you probably might have about it.
Is it Possible to Cheat a Hair Drug Test?
Drug testing has become mandatory in many companies and workplaces. It has also become part of the requirements for academic
DNA Testing in the News

DNA Testing Solves Teen’s Decades-Old Murder
In July 1989, a teenager was raped and murdered. There were never any strong leads and police never discovered who raped and killed the teen – until recently.

Adopted Sisters Reunited After 30 Years Through a DNA Test
When Adele Faulkner took her genetic test, she did not expect to be reunited with two sisters she never knew she had.

DNA Analysis Reveals a Woman’s 600 Half-Siblings
In 2013, a simple DNA test’s results revealed a family history beyond anyone’s wildest imaginations.
The Connection Between Genetics and Suicide
For decades, researchers have studied the association between mental illness, like depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder, and genetics. It is

Everything You Need to Know About Hair Drug Tests
Using only a small amount of hair sample, a hair drug test can accurately screen for illicit drug use or

New study reveals surprising amount of Neanderthal DNA in modern African populations
The common belief that has prevailed for the last 10 years is that Neanderthal DNA lives on in modern humans,
Prenatal DNA Testing

Pregnancy Diet and Lifestyle Could Modify Infants’ DNA
A recent study shows that pregnant women with obesity could dramatically improve their infants’ health outlook through an improved lifestyle, particularly a healthier diet and more physical activity.

Diagnostic tests during pregnancy: Turner’s syndrome, Down’s and other genetic abnormalities
Diagnostic tests are usually recommended following earlier screening tests which might have suggested a chromosomal abnormality in the developing fetus.
Hоw To Саlсulаtе Thе Duе Dаtе During Рrеgnаncy
Calculating the due date during pregnancy is an important aspect of being pregnant. It is not an easy date to
Have you heard of Non Invasive Prenatal Paternity Testing?
Many expectant mothers think twice or three times before having prenatal paternity testing carried out. This is because they have
Animal DNA Testing

DNA Study Reveals New Findings About Scimitar-Toothed Cats
A fossil of a scimitar-toothed cat found near Dawson City would lead to a newly-published study on the behavioral traits of these ancient cats, including hunting in a group and pursuing prey to the point of exhaustion.

6 Reasons Why Cats Purr
Cat owners often look forward to hearing their kittens purr to relax and calm themselves down after a stressful day.

6 Misconceptions About Adopting A Senior Pet
It is sad to know that there is no shortage of senior pets in most rescue animal shelters. While it

6 Common Cat Breeds that are Great with Families
Domestic cats are generally friendly and playful, but did you know there are breeds that are genetically predisposed to be

Cats recover from COVID-19 quickly, and this might be the answer
Cats have been documented to be capable of contracting the virus that causes COVID-19 but tend to recover a lot faster than humans do. Now, scientists are eager to find the answers.
4 Helpful Tips for New Fur Parents
Owning a pet means committing to new responsibilities. Now that you are a new pet owner, here are some helpful
Clinical and Health Articles
Is There a Link Between Migraine and Insomnia?
Sleep disturbances may be connected to migraine because of similar genetic determinants. This according to the findings of a recent Mendelian randomization (MR) study.

Can genetic testing prevent childhood obesity?
Experts believe our genetic blueprint dictates our likelihood of having a high BMI (body mass index) or being obese, and by looking at specific genes, they can design interventions that can prevent obesity.

Do genes determine lifespan?
What determines the longevity of our lives? The answer might be in our genes.

The Link Between OCD and Genetics
OCD is characterised by intrusive thoughts and compulsion-driven obsessions that the sufferer needs to carry out to soothe their anxiety. Much research has been done about the genetic factor influencing OCD and whether there is a specific gene influencing the disorder. Here’s what researchers know about the link between OCD and genetics.

You can suddenly become lactose intolerant as an adult — here’s why
It is possible for someone to suddenly become lactose intolerant in adulthood. Read this article to know the reason why.

1 in 8 Cancer Patients Have Inherited Gene Mutations
A recent study shows that around 13.5% of cancer patients possess an inherited gene mutation associated with cancer. However, current guidelines when it comes to genetic testing for cancer risk are severely outdated.