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Home / Human Tests / Health Tests / Intolerance Sensitivity Test

Intolerance Sensitivity Test

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Results in 3-5 working days



How it Works

Order Test Kits
Order your EasyDNA kit online and receive it straight to your door along with easy-to-follow instructions.
Providing a sample is fast and 100% pain-free. Use the provided swabs to lightly scrape the inside of your cheeks and collect your DNA. Then mail your samples back to us using our prepaid package.
In just 3-5 working days, you’ll receive your results and get the answers you’ve been searching for.

How it Works

Order Test Kits
Order your EasyDNA kit online and receive it straight to your door along with easy-to-follow instructions.
Providing a sample is fast and 100% pain-free. Use the provided swabs to lightly scrape the inside of your cheeks and collect your DNA. Then mail your samples back to us using our prepaid package.
In just 3-5 working days, you’ll receive your results and get the answers you’ve been searching for.

Key Features of the Intolerance Sensitivity Test

Comprehensive Analysis

The Intolerance test covers up to 900 trigger items! Intolerance testing tests food items including everyday foods and common fridge items, and non-food items such as pets and pollens.

Testing includes a nutritional deficiency, metal toxicity, gut biome and hormonal balance analysis. Testing includes an extensive analysis for Gut biomeDigestive health, Hormonal imbalances as well as nutritional deficiencies, and common metal sensitivities.

Experienced & Accredited

The testing facility completed tests on more than 400,000 samples received worldwide and has over 10 years of experience dedicated to helping people restore their body’s natural balance.

Additionally, the Mars III (Multiple Analytical Resonance Systems) bioresonance equipment used at the facility for testing is manufactured and recognised as a medical scanning device class 11a according to ISO EN 13485.

Easy & Non-Invasive

This test only requires a small hair sample which can be collected from the comfort of your own home!

Unlike blood and urine tests which can be affected by recent food intake or stress, hair testing is unaffected by the tested person’s most recent activity and is able to assess one’s health covering a much longer period of time.

Fast & Detailed Results

The Intolerance test results are available within 3 to 5 working days from receipt of samples at the laboratory.

NOTE : Your results will be divided into sections by the type of items tested. Within each section you'll find an overview page, this is to ensure your results are as clear and concise as possible and your attention is drawn to the information that is of greatest value to you. You can see the full list of items tested in the detailed analysis page.


Sample Collection for Intolerance Testing

Once you place the order a sample collection kit will be sent by post to your address. The Intolerance testing kit will contain all you require to perform the test. The hair sample collection process is relatively simple and easy.

Nonetheless, we suggest that you read carefully the below instructions for a successful collection.

• Any form of hair from your body can be tested
• Hair dye or treatments do not affect the test results
• Tests only require a few hairs (3 / 4 strands) if hair is longer than an inch.
• Ideally, samples should include the hair root even though it is not always possible
• If cutting the hair, try to cut it as close to the root as possible
• We do NOT recommend using hair from a hair brush or similar accessory due to possible cross-contamination.
• Once the sample is collected, place it in a small sealable bag ensuring it remains dry and secure
• Do not send the hair sample in metal foil or any other metallic packaging
• Place the hair samples in a secure envelope or postage wallet before sending it to the address provided

Please ensure correct postage is paid. Incorrect postage can cause delays to the processing time.

Please be careful not to include other items in the same bag as your hair sample as this can affect testing.

Special Offers

The price of the Intolerance test is $99.

second or third Intolerance test for a relative or a friend can be purchased at $89 ($10 discount).

We also offer a number of interesting Health Test like the Gut Microbiome TestVegetarian Food Intolerance testDNA Diet and Healthy Weight Test and much more!

  • Accurate
  • Easy-To-Use Test Kit
  • Fast
  • Accredited

Our DNA Intolerance Sensitivity test is an extremely accurate test that will help you discover what triggers your symptoms. All of our tests meet international testing standards and guarantee maximum accuracy.

Our DNA testing kit will contain all you require to perform the test. We will send you oral swabs to rub on the inside of your mouth in order to collect cheek cells; hence, you will not need to go through painful blood sampling. All our kits contain comprehensive instructions. You can see online how easy it is to collect your DNA Samples. 

Collect DNA Sample

Results will be issued within 3 to 5 working days from receipt of your samples at the laboratory. These are sent to you by email unless otherwise requested (additional charges may apply).

All home tests are performed by an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory which has performed over 250,000 DNA tests to date. You can, therefore, rest assured that your test is being performed under the strictest of guidelines.


Allergies are more severe than intolerances and their reaction is usually felt immediately. An allergy also tends to be with you for life.

Contrarily, intolerances are normally less severe in nature and can change over time. In addition, the symptoms of an intolerance are not immediate, manifesting anywhere from 10 minutes to 48 hours after the food has been consumed.

The hair sample does not have to be from the head. The hair sample for this test can be from any part of the body including the leg, arm or chest.

No, the test is completed using the composition of the hair sample so hair colouring will have no effect on the results.

The items on the list like will display a colour which will indicate a minimum intolerance level of 85% and are graded as low, medium or high within these parameters. For instance if you have milk intolerance it will show red or yellow.

It is common for something that has never caused you an issue before to start doing so.

It depends on your diet, habits and environment. If for reasons of poor immune system levels or poor diet, you have too much of one particular element in your system, your body will have trouble dealing with these increased levels. The side effects of this imbalance are known as intolerance.

This health test does not indicate how much of any given metal is present in your body. The metal toxicity analysis determines one’s sensitivity to the metals included in the test.

Sensitivity to one particular metal will cause a reaction when direct or indirect contact is made meaning that you don’t necessarily have to actually touch it. It could mean that it’s a metal that is present somewhere in your daily surroundings and you are exposed to it. Common sources include machinery operated at work and metals used in air conditioning systems.

You may have the same symptoms if you suffer from a food allergy or food intolerance, however, there are some important difference you should be aware of.

If you have food allergy means your body cannot digest it and therefore the ingested food will irritate your digestive system immediately. Allergies are a lifelong condition. Symptoms are headaches, cramps, gas, diarrhoea or nausea.

Food intolerance or food sensitivity are less severe than allergies, you won’t feel the reaction immediately and the intolerance may change over time depending on your lifestyle and diet changes. Symptoms are cough, swelling, abdominal pain or breathing problems.

No, wheat contains gluten but does not mean you are intolerant to gluten too, therefore you can be intolerant to wheat but not to gluten.
However, if you are gluten intolerant you will also have issues with wheat.

No, being gluten or wheat intolerant does not mean you will suffer a Celiac Disease. The Coeliac Disease is a lifelong autoimmune condition that affects your small intestine. Your body reacts when ingesting gluten and attacks your own cells, therefore is not an allergy or intolerance.

Disclaimer: Bioresonance is categorised under Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAMs) which covers a wide range of therapies that fall outside mainstream medicine. As a CAM, Bioresonance therapy is recognised as a proven therapy method by practitioners and peers Worldwide. Conventional medicine does not currently recognise Bioresonance as it has not been subject to scientific research. Our test and this website does not make a medical diagnosis nor is it intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider if you have a medical condition or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and/or medical symptoms. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. All probable or possible diagnoses generated by the test or this website need to be discussed and confirmed with a qualified medical practitioner. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or the emergency services immediately. Reliance on any information provided by this Website is solely at your own risk. Some of the content on this Website may be provided by third parties and we are not in a position to verify this content. We do not warrant that any such third party content is true, accurate or complete. Our test does not measure type IgE allergies or IgG antibodies. Since these reactions can be serious, you should seek the help of an allergy specialist.

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