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Home / Clinical Tests / Lactose Intolerance DNA test

Lactose Intolerance DNA test

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Results in 10-15 working days

Note: This Test is Not Available to USA Residents


How it Works

Order Test Kits
Order your EasyDNA kit online and receive it straight to your door along with easy-to-follow instructions.
Providing a sample is fast and 100% pain-free. Use the provided swabs to lightly scrape the inside of your cheeks and collect your DNA. Then mail your samples back to us using our prepaid package.
In just 3-4 weeks, you’ll receive your results and get the answers you’ve been searching for.

How it Works

Order Test Kits
Order your EasyDNA kit online and receive it straight to your door along with easy-to-follow instructions.
Providing a sample is fast and 100% pain-free. Use the provided swabs to lightly scrape the inside of your cheeks and collect your DNA. Then mail your samples back to us using our prepaid package.
In just 3-4 weeks, you’ll receive your results and get the answers you’ve been searching for.

Key Features of the Lactose Intolerance DNA Test

  • Accurate
  • Easy-To-Use Test Kit
  • Fast
  • Accredited
  • Flexible
  • The Human Tissue Act

Our home paternity test is an extremely accurate test and will provide you with up to 99.99% probability of paternity in the case of an inclusion, and 0% in the case of exclusion. All tests are performed using 21 genetic markers to meet international testing standards and guarantee maximum accuracy. The paternity test can be performed with only the samples of the alleged father and the child you do not need to include the sample of the mother although recommended.

Our DNA testing kit will contain all you require to perform the test. We will send you oral swabs to rub on the inside of your mouth in order to collect cheek cells; hence, you will not need to go through painful blood sampling. All our kits contain comprehensive instructions. You can see online how easy it is to collect your DNA Samples. 

Collect DNA Sample

Results will be issued within 3 to 5 working days from receipt of your samples at the laboratory. Results for home paternity testing will be sent to you by email unless otherwise requested (additional charges may apply).

Note: We can only guarantee standard result turnaround time when testing takes place solely using oral swab samples. Using a forensic sample  for your test may lead to an increase in turnaround time.

We do not offer express testing if you choose to send a forensic sample. We can offer express testing only if you use mouth swabs.

All home paternity tests are performed by an ISO17025 accredited laboratory which has performed over 250,000 DNA tests to date. You can, therefore, rest assured that your test is being performed under the strictest of guidelines.

Note: We can only guarantee standard result turnaround time when testing takes place solely using oral swab samples. Using a forensic sample  for your test may lead to an increase in turnaround time.

We do not offer express testing if you choose to send a forensic sample. We can offer express testing only if you use mouth swabs.

EasyDNA can test people living at different addresses or even different countries. Know more about sending DNA testing kits to different locations HERE.

We also provide support at every step of the process. Contact us via email, phone or Live Chat to discuss any questions you may have. Our home paternity test starts from as little as £99 for a two-person test – alleged father and one child. The sample of the mother can be sent as well and will be tested at no added cost. As with some other DNA tests, the sample of the mother, if available, is recommended (see Why test the Mother in a Paternity test?).

It is important to be aware that in the UK the Human Tissue Act regulates the collection and analysis of any human tissue. In order to send a sample for analysis, the person or donor of that sample must give their consent in writing in order for us to test their sample. Furthermore, in order to be fully compliant with the Human Tissue Act, the donor of the sample must also be made aware of how their DNA sample will be used. Failure to comply with the Human Tissue Act is a criminal offence.

We will not proceed with any testing if we do not have consent from all test participants. Testing any samples will be put on hold until we get the required signatures from all individuals.

Lactose intolerance & how the test works

The test results are issued in 10-15 working days from receipt of samples at the laboratory. We also provide a genetic counselling service for an additional fee.

The inability to digest lactose results in what is known as lactose intolerance. It is a condition which is far from being uncommon in adults and you could well be one of those individuals suffering from the many unpleasant side effects of lactose intolerance.

This test analyses the LCT gene. The LCT gene encodes the instructions our body needs to make lactase. Lactase works by speeding up the process of converting lactose into more simple sugars. A mutation on this gene makes the individual unable to produce enough lactase to break down any lactose ingested. The condition can span different severities which depend on the amounts of lactase produced by their bodies; the range is typically mild, moderate or severe reduction.

Results will help you understand the following:

  1. Whether you carry a genotype which places you at low or high risk
  2. Dietary recommendations, changes in lifestyle and further counselling or advice
  3. Description of what exactly lactose intolerance is and its prevalence in different parts of the world
  4. A complete list of symptoms as well as other conditions that could also have these symptoms.

Collecting samples

Collecting samples if by means of mouth swabs. Swabs needs to be rubbed inside the mouth for around 1 minute and then returned for testing. Everything necessary for the test will provided inside the kit. Once you have collected you DNA samples, you can send them back to us for testing.

Why not consult a genetic counsellor about your results?

A genetic counsellor is ideal if you have any concerns about your DNA test results. They can understand and interpret all aspects of your DNA test results, helping you maximize your own wellbeing and that of your relative. Genetic counselling is ideal in cases where you opt for a clinical test or health test but you can also consult our counsellor for any other test including parentage testing, prenatal testing and relationship testing. Genetic counselling is available at an additional fee.

Do you need this test?

If you suffer from any of the following symptoms after consuming milk, you may wish to consider this test:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Cramps
  • Bloating
  • Nausea
  • Flatulence
  • Diarrhea
  • Steatorrhea (excess fat in stool)

If you test positive, then you can adopt a low-lactose or lactose free diet, depending on the severity of the symptoms. Some individuals who are lactose intolerant can keep consuming small amounts of lactose without any problems.

Please read the Health and Clinical Terms & Conditions HERE carefully and make sure you understand them before ordering this test.

A bit more information about lactose

Any word ending –ose is used in biochemistry to denote the names of sugars – maltose, glucose and fructose are just 3 examples. Lactose is a sugar found in milk.

Lactose is digested efficiently thanks to an enzyme called lactase. Lactose is digested in the small intestine, this organ produces the enzyme required to digest lactose. Once digested, it is broken down into 2 more simple sugars, which are more readily absorbed and better sources of energy:

  • Galactose
  • Glucose

New born babies produce high amounts of lactase in order to digest maternal milk. As the mother weans milk-feeding, natural lactase levels also decrease which results in lactose intolerance. Due to cultural practices that are many centuries old, humans continue to consume milk-containing products for their entire lives. We are, of course, the only mammals to consume milk beyond infancy.

Drinking milk in itself has no health benefits later in life. It is considered neither good for you or bad for you.

Other tests: Celiac Disease Genetic Testing

Celiac disease genetic testing can accurately confirm whether you have a genetic predisposition to celiac disease. If you suspect you have Celiac disease and all your symptoms seem to point to this condition, this test could be the ideal test for you. Read more about the celiac disease predisposition test.

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