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Does COVID-19 Affect DNA Paternity Results?

Sicknesses are rampant nowadays in our daily lives. The current COVID-19 pandemic is just one of the many deadly viruses that could cause a major impact on our bodies’ production of cells. This has caused a significant impact on how we live in our daily lives and as such, changed the way we handle medications, fitness, and diet plans. The destruction of deadly viruses, not just COVID-19, has created this unnerving feeling of panic that we could infect or get infected by doing such medical-related tasks like DNA paternity tests. But how much do illnesses affect our ability to attempt a DNA paternity test?

A DNA paternity test is something that you want to receive the results as soon as humanly possible. However, the tests that need to be done for a DNA paternity test would involve invasive medical treatments. A blood test and a cheek swab are the most common methods in which the medical professionals would use gain access to our genetic code or DNA.

Although, the DNA sample you will be using will not succumb to any sort of change due to an underlying sickness. Even if you are currently ill, a home DNA paternity test can still be a viable option should you need to undergo a paternity test as soon as possible. But that does not mean that you are automatically clear for taking a cheek swab. Diseases and illnesses may not alter your DNA but medical treatments can change the way your DNA is formed.

DNA altering procedures are usually the result of a medical treatment that would involve in you receiving a transplant of some kind that affects your DNA. Medical procedures such as a blood transfusion, bone marrow transplant, and donor skin graft around the mouth are just some of the ways your DNA could produce an altered result. As such, other methods of paternity testing should be advised.

Should you mark your sickness when sending your sample?

A cheek swab should be handled with the utmost care whether you are sick or healthy. Your sickness should generally be no issue with the testing facilities you have applied to as they are professionals in their business and would go to great lengths to ensure that there is no contamination on the swab used.

Instead, you need to focus on the quality of the packaging and handling of your DNA sample. The sample should be free from any contamination from the point of opening, to your mouth, and until you securely seal it in a paper envelope. In addition, avoid sending the sample while it is damp with saliva as it could rip through the paper envelope and run a higher risk of getting contaminated.

Managing DNA paternity testing during the pandemic

You can expect most medical centers, whether used for testing or otherwise, are devoting their precious resource in helping to combat the ongoing pandemic in the world. However, it would be best to contact the company you are applying for a DNA paternity test to see if they are willing to accept DNA testing during these trying times. As always, expect delays and such for your results as the rest of the world still tries to push through during these harsh times.

Nevertheless, your DNA would remain intact should any sickness befall on you. Thus, you can rest easy knowing that your home DNA paternity test would not reach an inconclusive result even when exposed to various illnesses.

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