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Paternity DNA testing: Basic Information

Paternity DNA testing: Let’s discuss the Issue

There are many reasons to do a paternity DNA test. However, what you need to bear in mind is that nowadays there is no other definitive means of establishing paternity other than a paternity DNA test. Paternity testing means that a lot of father’s have been made to take on their parental responsibilities whilst others have been able to disprove their paternity and relinquish responsibilities.

I want a Paternity DNA test Now

Good news is, if you do want a paternity DNA test now, you can go online and find many DNA testing companies providing such services. These companies will send you a home DNA testing kits which will allow you to collect your own DNA samples for the test. You may want to consider whether the mother’s sample will be included or not; a paternity DNA test done without the mother’s samples we refer to as ‘motherless’.  A paternity DNA test can be concluded without the mother’s sample however, you should always send the mother’s sample as this will provide a stronger result.

DNA sample collecting for Dummies

Once you have settled your payment with the paternity DNA testing company you choose, you will be sent a little home-kit for DNA sample collection. The home kit is simple, almost self-explanatory. You will find cotton bud-like oral swabs, each pair of swabs in their own envelope and each envelope assigned to a test participant. You open your envelope (if you are the alleged daddy, chances are your envelope will be blue), take out your swabs and rub then in your mouth and around your inner cheeks to collect a saliva sample. For the child you can easily take their swabs (which will be a different colour) and swab their mouth following the same method.

Saliva DNA sample? You mean I am collecting Spit?

Rubbing an oral swab does collect loads of spit, spit is 98% water and there is no DNA in saliva. However, rubbing the swab produces a lot of friction in the mouth and by doing this you collect thousands of exfoliated buccal cells; by the way, buccal cells are commonly referred to as cheek cells.

Saliva samples through oral swabs are the most widely used method  for collecting samples for a DNA test. The extraction success rate is extremely meaning that the scientists will very likely be able to extract the necessary DNA from your sample to conclude your paternity DNA test successfully. All DNA testing companies nowadays rely on oral swabs because unlike blood, you do not need any nasty needles drawing blood out from you or your children;  and let’s face it, most of us hate it.

Which Company do I choose for my DNA Paternity Test? There are so Many!

Making your choice should not be too difficult. When browsing through the company website look out for this word “ACCREDITATION”. Accreditation is a guarantee that the DNA testing laboratories abides by the highest standards and use the most up-to-date technology. Accrediting bodies specifically for laboratories include ISO 17025; this is important to help you spot the paternity DNA testing company to pick. Accreditation is not a regulatory requirement anywhere thus, you really need to make sure the DNA testing company has it if you want to feel secure about how your DNA test is being handled.

If you are thinking of doing a paternity DNA test you can now rest assured about the science and reliability behind it. Paternity DNA testing is accurate and will establish with certainty whether the alleged father is the biological father of a child or not. For only $169 easyDNA will send you your own DNA paternity testing kit at home.



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