Feline PKD Testing
Persian cats and Exotic Shorthairs are amongst the breeds which are most likely to suffer from an inherited disorder known as polycystic kidney disease (PKD). EasyDNA offers feline PKD testing– a simple DNA test that could save the life of a cat and ensure that litters of kittens are free from this disease.
Free Delivery
Results in 10 working days
- Starting at just $60
- Accurate results within 10 working days
- Test for Polycystic Kidney Disease
- Support at every step of the process

How it Works

How it Works

94% Customer Recommendation Rate

Key Features of the Feline PKD Testing
- Accurate
- Easy-To-Use Test Kit
- Fast
Our Feline PKD test is designed to ensure that you get the accurate results you want. One of the most comprehensive tests on the market, we strive for accuracy and reliability each and every time.
The sample collection process is extremely easy-to-follow and apply. You don’t need the assistance of a vet. Once you order the test, a swab collection kit will be sent to you. The kit will contain full instructions on how to collect the sample from your cat.
Once the samples are sent back to the laboratory, you will receive the results via email in just 10 working days.
About Polycystic Kidney Disease Testing (PKD)
PKD is a crippling disease which could be fatal. The PKD DNA test is offered starting at just $60 and results sent back in just 10 working days after receiving your samples at the laboratory.
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a condition which is prevalent in Persian cats. It causes cysts on the ovaries, swelling, abdominal pain and often results in death as the kidneys become overwhelmed by the liquid filled sacs. Because of the characteristically large number of cysts, draining each cyst is generally impossible and vets will suggest putting the animal down. DNA testing offers the only way of preventing the disease by selectively mating only those felines that are free of the gene responsible for PKD. If you are interested in buying a kitten but are concerned about whether or not it carries the gene, you can carry out our DNA test.
The disease does not require a copy of the gene from both parents to develop and thus, from a litter of kittens with one parent carrying the PKD gene, half will suffer from the condition. This is due to the fact that the PKD gene is dominant. The onset of the disease usually happen quite late in the cat’s life, which means that by then, many litters could have been affected with the gene.
Why carry out a PKD DNA test?
Your cat’s health and well-being is of paramount importance. Polycystic kidney disease is not always easy to diagnose. Usually an ultrasound can be carried out in older cats and the cysts will be visible on the kidneys if the cat has developed the illness to an extent where they are clearly visible under an ultrasound. In younger cats, the cysts may be too small to see and often the condition leads to kidney failure. A PKD DNA test is more advantageous because you can determine whether your cat carries the disease-causing gene-even before the disease has set it. Whilst the cysts cannot be treated (usually due to the shear number), the cat can be treated with a number of different treatments for kidney failure. The information you can get from our PKD test is therefore priceless.
As a breeder you can exclude any cats carrying the PKD gene from mating, thus providing buyers with PKD free cats.As a buyer ,or if you are thinking of adopting a cat, you may want to consider running a DNA test for PKD disease on a cat you wish to purchase or adopt to confirm whether the cat carries the genetic mutation.It Really is So Simple
Once you have confirmed your order, EasyDNA will send out your sample collection kit. Our kit will make it possible for you to collect the required DNA sample from the cat by simply rubbing a swab inside the mouth of the cat and then allowing the swabs to dry. We will even provide you with easy-to-follow instructions.
Our test can be carried out on cats of any age (although nursing kittens will need to be separated from the mother for 30 minutes prior to collecting their samples). Results for your PKD DNA test will be ready in 10 working days following the receipt of samples at the laboratory.
Discover More!
There’s a lot more that you can discover through animal DNA testing. These tests are designed to help veterinarians, pet owners and professional breeders learn more about their pets and improve their well-being. Knowing the exact pedigree of your dog can give you peace of mind. Through Canine Parentage testing, you can establish the parentage of your dog to an accuracy of 99.9%. With Cat DNA testing, you can learn so much about your furry friend’s ancestry, breed group and similarity to other wild cats. All that is required is a simple cheek swab sample! Read more about other Animal testing services we offer.
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