Create your own DNA Test Kit
We at EasyDNA recognize that certain constraints may hinder your ability to receive your kit. We will work around these problems and assist you, allowing you to create you own kit and collect DNA samples from the comfort of your own home!

Get started
Below you will find step-by-step instructions as well as a list of required materials needed to complete your sample collection kit. Please keep in mind that we require written consent in order for us to be able to test your samples. Please ensure you print the Sample Submission Form which should be returned to us along with your samples.
- Participants should not eat or smoke for one hour prior to samples being collected.
- In order to collect a proper sample it is important that person has a clean mouth. Adults and children: Rinse mouth three times with warm water. Infants: Allow infant to drink room temperature water from a bottle before sampling. Do not use mouthwash or toothpaste.
- Do NOT touch the end of the swab at anytime; not even to check if it is dry.
How to make your DNA sampling kit
1. You will require 4 sterile cotton-tipped swabs/oral buccal swabs for each participant. These can be purchased from a pharmacy. If the swab has 2 cotton ends be sure to cut one of them off before starting the sample collection procedure. It is important to avoid touching the cotton end with your fingers.
2. You will also require paper envelopes in which to place the cotton swabs after samples have been collected (one envelope for each participant).
Sample Collection Instructions

Where do I send my samples to?
Samples and submission form must be sent to:
Endeavor DNA Laboratories, 6955 N. Mesa St, Ste 109 El Paso, Texas 79912-4424, USA.