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Reasons For Using DNA Paternity Tests

As worldwide demand for DNA paternity tests increases, many ask why is there such a demand for this test? Here are a few of the main reasons people have for ordering a DNA paternity test.

As worldwide demand for DNA paternity tests increases, many ask why is there such a demand for this test? Here are a few of the main reasons people have for ordering a DNA paternity test.

There are different types of DNA paternity test available depending on the needs of the individual ordering the test. If one requires the results of the test to be used in a court case then there are certain procedures to be followed to ensure that the results are court admissible. If one is using a paternity test purely for peace of mind, then they can purchase an at-home-test and collect the samples themselves.

When paternity needs to be proved in a legal case, the process is slightly more complex, with samples needing to be collected and identification authenticated by a registered professional, often a GP. Oral swabs, taken from the inside cheek of the mouth are an accepted form of DNA sample for both legal and at-home tests, the difference being the way they are collected and proof and authentication of identity.

Most Common Reasons For Using A DNA Paternity Test

  • When a man has a paternity suit filed against him, he faces a future of child support payments, as well as a legal responsibility to the child. Often, men in these situations doubt the claim and want to establish for certain what the relationship is between them and the child in question. In many cases a man is unaware of a child’s existence until the commencement of such a lawsuit, and has suspicions about the mother’s motives. In some cases, a man will be the one to open a case, in circumstances where a mother is keeping him away from his alleged child.
  • In cases where an inheritance is being challenged, it is quite common for unknown or unrecognised children to step forward after a parent has died, to lay claim to a portion of the inheritance. Whilst there are some false claims, genuine claims also occur, and in such cases it is important to clear these up and be fair to all concerned. The same process would apply to a child laying claim to a mother’s estate also, since DNA testing is not solely applicable to men.
  • In adoption and foundling’s cases, it is quite typical for a child to grow up wanting to find and know their biological parents. Sometimes, in divorce cases a parent is given sole custody, separating the child from the other parent early on in life. There can also be medical reasons for needing to find ones biological parent or child, as in cases of organ donation.
  • Sibling cases come with their own difficulties when it comes to DNA testing since a DNA paternity test on each sibling will determine if they share a common father, however a paternity report will still be needed to establish who that father is. Where twins are concerned, unless they are identical, one cannot assume that they share the same father, since 1 in 12 twins worldwide have different fathers.
  • If they are identical twins, however, then they do share the same father since they come from the same egg and have identical genetic codes. This can prove to be a problem later on in life if one of them is tested for the paternity of a child since either one of them could be the father because of their identical DNA.
  • Proof of paternity can sometimes be needed in social security and insurance claims. In these cases, a medical examiner will obtain DNA from a deceased parent and conduct the necessary test. This saves the claimant having to rely on other forms of evidence to convince a court of a biological relationship.

As shown, there are many instances where the use of for the use a paternity test is necessary, and now that accredited laboratories can return a result of probability of paternity in excess of 99.9% it is legally recognised as the most accurate way to establish what biological relationship exists between people.

At easyDNA you will find answers to all questions regarding paternity, siblingship and legal definition. We are equipped to provide full legal and emotional Paternity Test services, using state of the art technology, at competitive rates, on time, every time. We operate through a network of offices covering a wide geographic area. We currently operate 12 offices around the world including Canada, U.S.A, Italy, Belgium, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, India and South Africa. To contact us with further questions please email [email protected]



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