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Understanding Autism: What You Need to know

Autism is a complex disorder that affects people all around the world. It is a brain disorder that changes the way the brain functions, and can affect individuals in a variety of ways. It is important to keep in mind that autism cannot be cured, but there are ways to effectively deal with it.

Signs of Autism

There are a variety of different signs that could indicate that someone has autism. It typically shows up in children who are between the ages of 2 and 3. When observing people who have this disorder you should look for communication issues, problems with social interaction, and odd behavior. Some of the most common things to look for include:

• Difficulty speaking or interacting with others
• Lack of interest in the world around them
• Become obsessive in certain situations/ develop obsessive behaviors towards a routine or a person
• React in an irrational way to minor changes

Causes of Autism

While it is still being studied, there are a number of things that scientists have found out regarding this disorder. Boys are four times as more likely to develop autism, whether in mild or of a more severe form.

If a child has a brother/sister/parent with Autism their chance of developing it increases drastically. This factor is important to keep in mind when you are thinking about having children when autism runs in the family. The latest research study (Ozonoff, Young, et al., 2011) released just this August in the journal Pediatrics reveals that the chance of having a second child with an autism spectrum disorder is 19% .

Twin DNA testing studies have shown that Autism is largely down to genes and their could be hundreds of genes involved in Autistic traits.

When children develop autism, there is a good chance that they may have other medical issues. If you have a child with this condition it is important to get them checked up on a regular basis to make sure they are healthy and developing as best as they can.

Scientists also debunked the idea that poor parenting leads to autism. If a child is raised in a condition where the parenting is absent or dysfunctional, this will have no impact on whether or not the child develops autism. However, keep in mind that poor parenting can lead to a host of other problems and needs to be avoided at all costs.

Types of Autism

When you break down the different types of autism, there are three main groups. The first group is called “Classic” Autism. This is the widely viewed version of autism. You will notice that these people have language issues, cannot communicate properly in social situations, have behaviors that most people would find strange or odd, and become obsessive over random seemingly normal items or situations.

The second variation of autism is called Aspergers. This version is a little different than the classic caser. They often exhibit cognitive skills which are either very developed or very underdeveloped. They often have a very good vocabulary bank but their conversations may appear stilted. They have difficulties understanding body language and can exhibit strong emotions such as anger without any particular reason or trigger. People with Asperger’s syndrome do not have an issue with communication or intelligence.

Finally, we have the Pervasive Development Disorder. This group is for all other types of autism that do not fall in either one of previous groups. These folks show some signs of autism disorder, but they are usually very mild. You have to be paying attention to notice some of the social and communication issues. These folks are usually fully functioning and do not need any assistance in their day to day life.

The key to understanding autism starts with learning everything you can about it. The more knowledge you have regarding this subject the easier it will be to help any folks you come across with this particular disorder.



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