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Finding Adoptive Siblings

When siblings enter adoptive or foster situations, they can’t always remain in the same household. Families interested in adding a single child to their home may not always be aware of the situation they are creating. Siblings may be split up even long before adoption, their lives now in the hands of the foster care system.

According to Adoption.com, an estimated 75% of siblings live apart once they enter foster care. When children grow up and no longer require a guardian, some choose to hunt down their sibling.

In order to begin searching for a long-lost sibling, it’s best to be prepared. Everything pertaining to the sibling must be kept on personal record. Photographs, dates of birth, birth name, and anything else that can be used to locate them will be necessary. It’s also wise to keep an additional copy of everything in case something would happen to the original files.

The easiest place to start looking is online. Search social media and run photographs through Google image search. Otherwise, gain the help of lawyers and private investigators if the search runs dry.

Adoption Records

Many State guidelines require adoption records to be sealed upon completion of the adoption. In moving forward, each State has its own laws regarding the access to sensitive information in adoption cases. Adoption records remain confidential and hidden away, even from those who may have been directly involved with the adoption. Luckily, with the change of the times come new ways to discover biological parents and siblings. There are various resources available online which make it easier for families to reunite.

Adopting After Having Biological Children

More than 127,000 children are adopted each year within the United States. Of the current child population, an estimated 2% have been adopted. It’s not unusual that a couple decides to adopt a child rather than conceive another one – families today are very receptive to having their own children and adopting. Infertility, pregnancy complications, and pain during childbirth are just a few different reasons why a family would choose to add another child (or two, or three…) to their home via adoption.

If brought up well, biological and adopted children should only have the normal problems and arguments any other sibling pairing may bring about. Parents who have experienced both childbirth as well as adoption have candidly reported having a happy family and loving each child equally.

A thread on Reddit brought together many people who weighed in on their thoughts about the matter. Adopted siblings related feeling no different than their parents’ biological children. Any discomfort caused was borne out of rude remarks either from a family member or acquaintance, which can be expected from those lacking manners.

A quote from the National Adoption Center states that “there are no unwanted children, just unfound families.”

DNA testing between siblings

It may not be a straightforward choice and comes with a myriad of emotions that can be hard to contend with – but siblings DNA testing can help you know for sure whether you have found a long lost sibling by confirming, genetically, whether yourself and the person you think is your siblings are actually related.

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