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10 Of The Most Effective Dog Training Tips

10 Of The Most Effective Dog Training Tips

A dog is the best thing you can have in your house. They make the day seem brighter and your life feels more fulfilled with a dog around. However, you have a beautiful rug and a gorgeous set of shoes that are running the risk of being destroyed. Training should begin the second your new puppy comes home. But how can you teach your dog to behave as efficiently as fast as possible?

There are several ways wherein you can train your dog. You can choose to train them yourself, with a private trainer, or even attend one of those doggy training schools. Regardless of your choice, there are some basic tips you should always keep to ensure your pup remains as behave as he is adorable. And these 10 of the most effective dog training tips should help get you there where you want them to be.

Bonus tip: Consider the option of spraying (for females) or neutering (for males) your dogs when they reach a certain age. That would get your dog to behave less sporadically and become less aggressive as the years go by. Thus, it will be easier to conduct training sessions. Without further ado, these are your 10 tips.

>> Find out more about your dog’s needs & behaviour <<

10 Effective Training Tips

A Name Is More Than A Cute Word And Should Be Treated With Respect

A dog’s name is crucial. It is not just the name that you would use to introduce them to people. Their name is their identity. You should always pick a name that you would definitely love for your puppy. But did you know the name of your puppy has a strong effect on their training? The name of your puppy should be something that can be easily picked up by your dog. That is why it is preferable that you choose a shorter name rather than a longer one. It is also a good idea to choose a name that has a strong ending to it like Jasper or Ginger to easily make your pups perk their ears.

Dogs are incredibly adaptable. Although there are some things that you just should rarely consider changing. And a dog’s name is one of them. In fact, if you receive your dog at a much older age then you should avoid changing the name as much as possible. It will only confuse the dog if he or she is called under a different name. A dog breeder could also assign a name for your dog beforehand which you could shorten if needed but generally it would be a good idea to not change it too much. However, a dog that came from an abusive background would be the perfect exception to changing their name as it signifies a rebirth for the dog.

The same principles should apply to babies when it comes to naming. As much as possible try to associate the name in a pleasant way so your dog would see it as a positive thing. Avoid yelling at or getting mad at your dog while using their name as it could signify trauma for them.

Rules Are Meant To Protect You And Your Dog

A puppy should be taught the rules of the house as early as possible. You do not want to end up having to chase after your dog after they made a mess in a place where they were not supposed too. You should decide beforehand the places your dog is allowed to roam and play. That would result in being set early on, then both of you would have less confusion over the years.

A Dog Still Needs Their Personal Space

Dogs are great for cuddles. They are incredibly lovable towards their owners and they showcase it by being all-around affectionate However, even a dog needs a place to call their own. A dog would still need to rest at his own “den”. It is a great idea to give your puppy a bed of their own at an early age. Or else you run the risk of your dog growing up and still be by your bedside every day. Don’t forget to reward him for sleeping in his own comfy quarters to ensure he becomes comfortable and settles in easier.

Home Is Where You Can Relax

Puppies will generally clamor for their mom once they are taken away from their home. That is a normal response for them. And that is why you should do whatever you can to make them feel safe and secure at their new homes. You can give him a nice warm bath or put a ticking clock right beside him while he sleeps because it helps imitate being around with his family.

Call To Him And He Will Come

This is one of the first commands you should teach your new puppy. The benefits of learning this skill can do wonders for your future training sessions with each other. This would help him learn how to respond to you calling his name. Not only that but it can also create the early dynamic that you are the alpha and should be respected as such. Never forget to use positive reinforcement whenever he does what he is told. That way the respect they have of you would continue to grow up to incredible heights.

Rewarding Is Key

A puppy needs time and patience to learn all that he or she needs before she can be considered as house trained. However, it is vital that she learns all this through positive means. Using rewards as a means of good positive reinforcement is a great way to ensure that they learn so they can get love and treats. Although, you should never reward bad behavior. That would, in turn, confuse him and would lead to a downward spiral of being spoiled.

Jumping Should Not Be Tolerated

Puppies are hyper little animals. They cannot help but get ecstatic when you come home. And that is why they usually resort to jumping up to greet you and play. Although that is one of the most adorable things a puppy could do to you, that is also a bad habit to keep. You should avoid acknowledging and rewarding your puppies when they jump at you like that. Reward him only when they stop jumping and be a bit more relaxed. That would teach them that they should learn not to tackle people just because they are excited. In addition, you can turn your back on your dog and pay him no attention when they jump around.

Say No To Biting

Dogs are prone to biting and chewing, similar to how babies are. They are going through a process called “teething”. That is when their teeth are starting to grow, hence they are prone to chew on things to relieve the pain. However, you should instead pretend that you are in great pain when they start nibbling on your fingers or other parts. The shock that they will experience from hurting you should be enough to teach them that biting can lead to pain. You can also choose to get your dog a chew toy where he or she can relieve themselves from teething as much as possible. However, be warned that you should never reward biting behavior, even if it is just playing.

Dog Time Is Learning Time

Dogs have a lot of shorter attention span. Much less if they are still on their puppy stage. That is why it is crucial that you associate his bad behavior with a new training technique. The sudden change would teach your pups to correlate the mistake they made with the correction you trained. Consistently repeat this process and they would learn sooner or later.

Always End On A Happy Note

Everyone always likes a good pat on the back after doing something new. And the same could be said with your puppies. A couple of positive praises can go a long way into the learning. The positive reinforcement plus the reward of treats would be enough motivation for them to do better. Thus, you have yourself an eager student.

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