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Home / Animal Tests / Dogs DNA Tests / DogCheck 4.0 (Canine) Genetic Disease Test

DogCheck 4.0 (Canine) Genetic Disease Test

With more than 320+ genetic diseases screened the DogCheck4.0 Canine Genetic Disease Screening Test is one of the most comprehensive genetic screening tests available for dogs in the market to date. Find out if your dog is susceptible to any of the diseases or genetic traits tested for with this very easy-to-use test. Find out more about your dog and help it live a healthier life!

from $169


How it Works

Order Test Kits
Order your EasyDNA DogCheck Genetic Disease Test​ kit online and receive it straight to your door along with easy-to-follow instructions.
Providing a sample is fast and simple. Hold the swab firmly from the handle and place the swab head under your dog’s tongue, the side of the mouth, and inside the cheek for 1 1/2 minutes. Then mail your samples back to us using our pre-addressed return envelope.
In 3-4 weeks, you’ll receive your results by email and get the answers you’ve been searching for.

How it Works

Order Test Kits
Order your EasyDNA DogCheck Genetic Disease Test​ kit online and receive it straight to your door along with easy-to-follow instructions.
Providing a sample is fast and simple. Hold the swab firmly from the handle and place the swab head under your dog’s tongue, the side of the mouth, and inside the cheek for 1 1/2 minutes. Then mail your samples back to us using our prepaid package.
In 10-15 working days, you’ll receive your results by email and get the answers you’ve been searching for.

Key Features of the
DogCheck 4.0 Genetic Disease Test

How does DogCheck Disease DNA Test work?

Comprehensive Screening Test - 2 versions of the test:

Manage your Dog’s Health

With the information obtained through the test, you can work together with your veterinarian and other specialists to manage and improve the overall health of your dog. The test can also help you highlight potentially serious diseases or conditions that need special attention. Do not miss out on the opportunity to manage your dog’s health for only $169.

Ideal for Breeders

As a breeder, you want to make sure that your dogs are as healthy and as disease-free as possible. By understanding the genetic disease profile of your dogs, you can better address potential issues and manage their health. In addition, you can select partners for breeding on the basis of their genetic profile. Therefore, a comprehensive genetic disease screening programme is paramount to offering a quality service.

Is the DogCheck a diagnostic test?

The DogCheck is a genetic screening of more than 320+ genetic variants that are related to hereditary diseases and traits. This is not a diagnostic test. Any unusual results (carrier or compromised) or results that are worrying should be discussed with your veterinarian. In addition, not every known genetic variant of diseases in dogs is included in the DogCheck. If your dog is symptomatic, please contact your veterinarian. Normal results do not rule out inherited variants that have not been tested in these or other genes and that may cause medical problems or be passed on to offspring. You should check the list of diseases and traits before ordering to verify that it includes the tests you want.

A Simple, Easy-to-Use Process

The sample collection process is extremely easy to follow and apply. You do not need the involvement of the veterinarian. Once you order the test, a sample collection kit will be sent to your location. The kit will contain all you require to collect the samples from your dog, including detailed instructions. Once they are sent back to the laboratory, you will receive the results via email in 3 to 4 Weeks from receipt of samples at the laboratory.

Are you interested to invest in your dog’s health? Order today your DogCheck DNA Test and begin your journey to explore and improve your dog’s health!

Comprehensive Screening Test

The DogCheck disease DNA test is a comprehensive, laboratory-based screening test that will provide invaluable insights into your dog’s health based on their personal genetic information. Your dog can be tested for 320+ different characteristics, including genetic disorders and traits. This is one of the most comprehensive tests in the market at a very affordable price, starting at only $169.


No this test does not provide any information about the breed of your dog. The test will provide information on genetic diseases and traits. We do offer a number of tests that can provide more information about the breed of your dog, such as our Dog Breed Identification Test and KnowYourDog Genetic & Breed Test.

The test is based on your dog’s genetic data, and there is no impact on the results if your dog is on some form of medication.

The “at risk” result indicates that your dog may have inherited a copy or two of a mutation that has been reported to cause a specific genetic disease. Depending on the inheritance of a particular genetic disease, one or two mutated copies of the gene are required for a disease to break out. We do provide an extensive explanation of the meaning of the results in our Sample report.

Being a carrier means that your dog has only inherited one mutated / altered copy of the gene from its parents. Your dog will most likely not develop symptoms of this condition, as two mutated copies are required. However, this information is of great relevance for breeders, as carriers of a genetic disease may only be paired with free breeding partners. We do provide an extensive explanation of the meaning of the results in our Sample report.

In principle, there is no minimum age. The only thing that is important is when collecting the sample is the time period between suckling and sampling is a minimum of 45 mins to 1 hour. If you collect a sample from a puppy who drank milk from the mother after a short time, there can be contaminations with cells from the mother in their sample. Please avoid this and give ample time after feeding.

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