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Crucial Facts About DNA Sampling For Pets

Pets are as vital to us as our own flesh and blood. Most people would even go so far as to classify their pets as official members of their family. Unlike family, however, we do not know the genetic origin of our lovable little pets as much as we know ourselves. All pets have their own backstory from whether they were professionally bred by a breeder or rescued from a pound. This results in us, as owners, having little to no trace of the genetic origins of our pets. We cannot even determine the true breed of our dog or cat without their family history.

Although, there is a way to learn more about our pet’s genetic background despite not having all the proper forms needed. All you need is to invest in a quality DNA testing kit for your dog and/or cat. You might think that this would involve a meticulous process of long-term testing to get the results that you need, however, these tests are fast and simple with a standard waiting period of just a simple week or 2 at most. In addition, the process couldn’t be easier. Simply swab the inside of your dog’s cheeks with the medical swab included in the kit to get the DNA sample needed to understand your pet more.

What Does The DNA Test Provide?


The most basic use of DNA testing is to determine the subject’s origins from their parent’s history, all the way down to even their great-great-grandparents lineage. This breed breakdown shall show you the different aspects and characteristics of each generation alongside other crucial information such as the mate’s origin as well.

You can find a dog DNA testing kit that will give you a detailed breakdown of the qualities, health risks, and other crucial information that is essential to taking care of your precious pet.

Percentage-Based Breakdown of Dog and Cat Breeds

It is true that most animals have some form of a mix in their breeds that makes them unique compared to others. However, there are a few select cats and dogs that breeders hold dearly to their hearts due to the fact that they are considered to be “pure”.

A proper purebred animal should have a 100% uniformed match that determines its origins without question. Although, a dog or a cat can potentially have over 8 different breeds with various degrees of percentage in each of them.

Understanding The History of The Paternal and Maternal Line

A dog or cat’s historical background can go far and wide, all across the earth even. Through DNA testing we can learn more about the origins of a dog or cat’s breed from way back, over 15,000 years ago to be exact.

This is done by tracing the lineage of the breed’s ancestors until they find the official source of their breed. These locations can pinpoint the specific continents, and even select countries, of where the original breed first came to be.

Medical Benefits of DNA Testing

Learning the history of a dog or cat’s breed can help understand the possible limitations it might have based on their breed’s average health span and the likelihood of sickness. These can range from likelihood to suffer from heart disease at a certain age, all the way to 3D print the real-life DNA strands which could prove useful to veterinarians in studying the pet up close and personal, all without resorting to immediate surgery.

Inherited Diseases That Can Be Detected with DNA Testing

DNA testing is something that veterinarians and breeders utilize to ensure that the dogs and cats they nurture are safe and receive the best care that their breed demands. This gives a great opportunity for owners to understand more about their precious pet and plan the best way you can treat certain diseases and prevent new ones from developing. These new innovations can detect certain strains in the genetic code that could mark an increased risk for certain diseases to develop. Some of these diseases are as followed:


Great Way to Find Your Pet’s Possible Long-Lost Relatives

One thing that most people do not necessarily notice when it comes to DNA testing is the opportunity to search for your pet’s family members. Some pets are adopted from the pound which is usually strays or rescues that have been separated from their original birth parents.

Some sites would even go above and beyond by allowing you to chat with other owners whose pets share the same genetic code as your pets. This would allow the opportunity for your pets to come in contact with members of their own family.

How Does the Process Work Exactly?

Those that are accustomed to human DNA testing would know that the process is simple and quick without any cause of concern when it comes to injuring the subject. Most people would assume that the process for animals such as dogs and cats to be different due to them being of a different species. However, the process is actually similar to what normal people do in that you can simply perform a buccal swab to retrieve some of the saliva containing DNA. After the procedure, you simply mail the substance back to the testing facility.

The exact process in which you perform the DNA testing are as followed:

  1. Your first order from a reputable DNA testing facility
  2. Wait for your testing kit to arrive
  3. Activate the kit on the provided website alongside your dog’s profile
  4. Perform the buccal swab on your dog’s cheek
  5. Place the substance on a sealed envelope
  6. Mail or ship the sealed envelope with the substance back to the DNA testing facility
  7. Wait patiently for about 2 weeks for results
  8. Receive your results online with the full analytical report


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