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DNA Testing in the News

DNA Collection Law in California Put to Legal Test

A contentious legal contest is shaping up in the Sunshine State to try and halt the DNA testing of anyone arrested – however not yet convicted – of a felony. The challenge to California’s state law comes on the heels of a recent Supreme Court ruling allowing a similar law in Maryland to continue. In the 5-4 ruling by the high court, the constitutionality of Maryland’s law to collect DNA samples from those arrested for a felony investigation as part of their routine booking process, was narrowly upheld. While the Maryland law is different in that it only targets those being arrested for felonies, it created a baseline for which many states are moving to vastly expand DNA testing for law enforcement use in the wake of the ruling.

Feds Halt 23&Me DNA Testing for Health

The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States has enacted a major blow to DNA health testing by ordering the popular 23&Me company to halt sales of their home testing kits to the public. The company has received lots of media attention mostly due to its connection to internet giant Google by way of a previous marriage between Google founder Sergey Brin and 23&me’s founder Anne Wojicki. The billion dollar behemoth of the internet world is said to have supplied millions of dollars in seed money to launch the home-based DNA testing business.

Angelina Jolie, Genetic Testing and a Potential Monopolized Industry

Angelina Jolie kept secret the details about her mastectomy; a choice taken following results of a genetic test. She did not reveal her choice until she was three months into the process, at this point she gave coherent and thoughtful information about her treatment and operation – several pieces of information give a very peculiar …

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Norfolk Man Exonerated by DNA Testing Evidence Gets Full Pardon

An absolute pardon has been issued to Arthur Lee Whitfield by the Norfolk Gov.Timothy M. Kaine. After serving nearly 22 years in prison for two 1981 rapes, his conviction has now been erased thanks to DNA evidence. According to Whitfield’s lawyer, Michael F. Fasanaro Jr. the pardon means that Whitfield’s name will be removed form …

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DNA Testing – Texas Looking to Increase Numbers of DNA Samples in Database

A demonstration by Cassie Carradine, of the Austin Police Department’s DNA lab, shows how forensic procedures take DNA samples in unsolved crimes and compare them against a national database to look for matches. Lawmakers are currently proposing new legislation that would potentially double the number of offenders in Texas whose genetic codes would be stored …

DNA Testing – Texas Looking to Increase Numbers of DNA Samples in Database Read More »

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