Cat Intolerance Test
Is your cat continuously vomiting? Take better care of your feline’s health with a cat test for sensitivity to food, environmental factors, and artificial allergens. Get the information you need to help you better manage the happiness and health of your feline. Test your cat from just $89.
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Results in 3-5 working days
- Test from just $89
- Manage your cat's health and happiness
- Identify your feline's intolerances
- Support at every step of the process

How it Works

How it Works

94% Customer Recommendation Rate

Key Features of the Cat Intolerance test
- Accurate
- Easy-To-Use Test Kit
- Fast
- Accredited
- Flexible
- The Human Tissue Act
Our home paternity test is an extremely accurate test and will provide you with up to 99.99% probability of paternity in the case of an inclusion, and 0% in the case of exclusion. All tests are performed using 21 genetic markers to meet international testing standards and guarantee maximum accuracy. The paternity test can be performed with only the samples of the alleged father and the child you do not need to include the sample of the mother although recommended.
Our DNA testing kit will contain all you require to perform the test. We will send you oral swabs to rub on the inside of your mouth in order to collect cheek cells; hence, you will not need to go through painful blood sampling. All our kits contain comprehensive instructions. You can see online how easy it is to collect your DNA Samples.
Results will be issued within 3 to 5 working days from receipt of your samples at the laboratory. Results for home paternity testing will be sent to you by email unless otherwise requested (additional charges may apply).
Note: We can only guarantee standard result turnaround time when testing takes place solely using oral swab samples. Using a forensic sample for your test may lead to an increase in turnaround time.
We do not offer express testing if you choose to send a forensic sample. We can offer express testing only if you use mouth swabs.
All home paternity tests are performed by an ISO17025 accredited laboratory which has performed over 250,000 DNA tests to date. You can, therefore, rest assured that your test is being performed under the strictest of guidelines.
Note: We can only guarantee standard result turnaround time when testing takes place solely using oral swab samples. Using a forensic sample for your test may lead to an increase in turnaround time.
We do not offer express testing if you choose to send a forensic sample. We can offer express testing only if you use mouth swabs.
EasyDNA can test people living at different addresses or even different countries. Know more about sending DNA testing kits to different locations HERE.
We also provide support at every step of the process. Contact us via email, phone or Live Chat to discuss any questions you may have. Our home paternity test starts from as little as £99 for a two-person test – alleged father and one child. The sample of the mother can be sent as well and will be tested at no added cost. As with some other DNA tests, the sample of the mother, if available, is recommended (see Why test the Mother in a Paternity test?).
It is important to be aware that in the UK the Human Tissue Act regulates the collection and analysis of any human tissue. In order to send a sample for analysis, the person or donor of that sample must give their consent in writing in order for us to test their sample. Furthermore, in order to be fully compliant with the Human Tissue Act, the donor of the sample must also be made aware of how their DNA sample will be used. Failure to comply with the Human Tissue Act is a criminal offence.
We will not proceed with any testing if we do not have consent from all test participants. Testing any samples will be put on hold until we get the required signatures from all individuals.
Why can your cat have Intolerances?
If your cat has been displaying symptoms that have not been diagnosed it is possible that it is suffering from an intolerance. It is very common for people to have food intolerances, and cats share a similar tendency. Essentially, an intolerance is a bodily reaction towards certain foods or other items, such as wool or dust, that can cause an adverse reaction. Some allergens can be found in our home and environment, but artificial allergens may all affect the health of your cat. As a result your feline may be missing out on a better quality of life.
143 food and 49 non-food items tested
Find out if your cat reacts to a certain items, whether it is a certain food item or an artificial material, that may trigger a reaction in your feline pet. The cat intolerance test analyses 143 food and 49 non-food items, such as milk, dates and dust amongst others. The test will indicate which foods or other allergens are causing an adverse reaction and therefore should be avoided.
Food Items Tested:
Acid PhospherateCorned beefPeanut butterAcidophiliusCottage cheesePeasAgarCourgettePheasant meatAlmondCrabPig earApplesCreamPig liverArtificial bacon flavourCrispsPopcornArtificial beef flavourDuckPorkArtificial cheese flavourDuck eggPork scratchingsArtificial duck flavourEgg whitePorridge oatsArtificial peanut butter flavourEgg yolkPotatoArtificial turkey flavourFish oilQuinoaBaconGelatinRabbitBaked beansGingerRaspberriesBananasGlutenRaw hideBarbecue sauceGoatRiceBarkGreek yoghurtRyeBarleyGround beefSalad creamBeefGround chickenSalmonBeef boneGround cornSaltBlue CheeseGround duckSardineBonemealGround lambSodium Acid PhosphateBranGround oatsSour creamBread-granaryGround turkeySoy bean mealBrieGround wheatSoy flourBrown breadHaddockSoy sauceBrown sauceHamSpring onionBrussels sproutHareSquidBuckwheatHoneySteakButterIce creamStrawberriesButternut squashLactoseStuffingButylated Hydroxyaniside (BHA)LambSugarButylated Hydroxycoluene (BHT)Lamb boneSunflower oilCarobLeekSweet PotatoCarrotsLemonsTomatoCheddar cheeseLiver-lambTomato sauceChickenMaize/corn flourTrout-seaChicken boneMayonnaiseTunaChicken fatMilkTurkeyChicken flavourMilk from goatsVegetable oilChicken mealNoodlesVenisonClotted creamOatmealVinegar-maltCoconutOnionWaferCoconut oilOrangesWheatCodOx liverWhite breadCod liver oilPalm oilWoodCornParsnipsYeastCorn glutenPastaYoghurtCorn syrupPeanut
Non-Food Items Tested:
AlgaeColonial Bent GrassPampass grassAsterCorn plantPine TreeBambooCotton CropPollenBarkCurrant BushPoplar TreeBarley CropDandelionRose PlantBeeDeer EpitheliumRosehipsBee pollenDustRubberBeech TreeElm (Ulmus Glabra)SeaweedBermuda GrassGrassSquirrelBifidobacterium AnimalisHawthorn TreeStinging NettleBirch TreeHazel TreeStorage MiteBlackberry BushLeatherWaspButtercup FlowerMaize (Zea Mays)Willow TreeCherry TreeMarigold flowersWoodChile PineMintWoolChrysanthemumMoss CloverNylon
Why you should test your cat for any sensitivity and intolerances?
Like humans, cats can suffer from intolerances that can cause serious health problems. Some reactions can be easier to be detect, such as skin rashes or digestive problems that cause diarrhea. However, some reactions to environmental allergens may be more difficult to detect, such as changes in your cat's mood.
Sample report
After receiving the sample in the laboratory, the results will be ready in 3-5 business days. The report will provide you with all of the information you need to discover any intolerances that your cat has to the items being tested. It will also include a comprehensive guide on how to eliminate possible intolerances from your pet's diet.
Your pet’s intolerance test results include all items displaying a score of 85% and higher. After completing thousands of pet intolerance tests, the laboratory know 85% is the turning point where symptoms begin to develop into an intolerance.
How is the sample collection process?
The laboratory will simply need some cat fur samples for the analysis. The DNA testing kit contains all that you require to perform the test and you will also receive your own Food Sample Container. The sample collection process for the test is very simple and easy, with instructions provided below. Bear in mind that if the hair is not collected as specified below, the laboratory will not be able to analyze the samples:
It can be tested on any fur from the body of your cat.Ideally fur samples should include the root, if this is not possible cut it as close to the root as possible.If the hair is longer than one inch, we only require 5 or 6 fur strands is enough no matter how long the strands are.Place your pets fur in the grip bag provided and write your pet’s name on the labelYou will also be supplied you with a small green collection tube, this can be used to send the lab 1 sample of anything that you think your pet is sensitive to. This could be a sample of your pet’s food, treats, shampoo, material, pollen or dustDo not send the fur sample in any metallic packaging such as metal foil.Place the fur samples in a secure envelope or postage wallet before sending it to the address provided.Treatment of intolerances in Cats
Once you receive the sample report it will determine the type of allergens that your feline is intolerant to. Some intolerances may require treatment and some will simply need a change in your cat's diet. Besides the report, which includes an extensive guide, we recommend that you visit your veterinarian and discuss the best treatment for your cat.
Special Offers
The price of a single cat test is $89.
We are offering our clients the opportunity to purchase multiple tests and benefit from a great $10 discount on each additional test. So, if you decide to order a second cat intolerance test, you will pay just $79.
Other Animal Testing Options
We offer a range of different Animal DNA Testing which you may also be interested if you have other type of pets. We offer a particularly strong Dog DNA Test section with tests such as the Dog Allergy Test and the dog breed determination test. Please let us know if you are interested in any of these tests.
The reaction to allergies is more severe than intolerances and it is usually felt immediately. Intolerances are usually less severe and can change over time. In addition, the symptoms of an intolerance are not immediate, manifesting anywhere from 10 minutes to 48 hours after the food has been consumed.
Food allergy is an adverse reaction of the immune system to an allergen, which in most cases is a reaction to a specific food protein.
On the contrary, if your cat has a food intolerance the immune system will not be affected. Food allergy are less common that food intolerances in cats.
Food intolerance is a non-immunologic adverse reaction to any digested food. If your cat vomits after eating is probably suffering from food intolerance. In such cases it is recommended you seek professional advice, the difference between food intolerance and allergy is not always easy to distinguish. Both show similar reactions.
The test is suitable for cats who are on full adult meals, so this would normally be from the 6 months onwards.
Most drugs do not have an effect on the test as this is not an allergy test taken from blood. However if you are concerned about a particular test you can let us know and we can check directly with the laboratory.
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