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Oprah Winfrey may need Paternity DNA Test

Another celebrity who may well require a paternity DNA test is Oprah Winfrey. Recently a man has come forward claiming to be Winfrey’s biological father. The Queen of TV shows has never known her father and over the years, unsurprisingly, many men have come forward stating they were Oprah’s father; however, being one the richest women in the world means that many false paternity claims have come and will keep coming to the light. May this claim be from her real father?

Oprah Winfrey – A biographical sketch

Oprah Winfrey, who was born on January 29th 1954, is one of the momentous names in US TV history. Her name is big throughout the English speaking world but status of fame and glamour is in stark contrast with her impoverished origins. Winfrey was born in Mississippi and came from a very poor family. Her parents were unmarried, her mother was a house maid and Oprah never knew the identity of her biological father.  Oprah’s parents had had a fling as teen agers but broke up sometime afterwards. On a TV show, Oprah revealed unknown details of her life including instances of rape she suffered when she was a child. In her early teens, her mother sent her to live with a man called Vernon Winfrey whom Oprah believed to be her father but in fact was not.

Kelley’s biography claims to give the name of Oprah’s father

A biographer Kitty Kelley wrote a biography on Winfrey entitled Oprah. Kelley carried out extensive interviews with family members but got little information from people that worked with Oprah as the star made them sign confidentiality agreements. She revealed details about Winfrey’s sex life and approached the issue of paternity- who is Winfrey’s biological father? In the biography, Kelley claims a cousin of Winfrey, Catherine Esters, shed light on which the biological father of Winfrey was.

However, recently a paternity claim has been made by another man. The 84 year-old Noah Robinson, a World War Two veteran, has claimed to be Oprah’s father and has asked his alleged daughter to submit to a paternity DNA test. Until the DNA test is carried out, there can be no scientifically verifiable father for Oprah. The TV show star has admitted that a number of men have come forward over the years making such claims.

A paternity DNA test will ultimately establish the true identity of her father and if Robinson is the one, there is no other way of proving it. DNA testing will basically compare the DNA profiles of Oprah Winfrey and her alleged father; if they share the same genetic markers then the results will show an incontrovertible proof of paternity.



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