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Muammar Gaddafi dead- Any DNA Tests carried out?

Now that news all over the world has announced the death of Muammar Gaddafi, it is very possible that DNA tests will follow on the alleged body of the colonel. His body is being kept in a top secret location and will not be disclosed. All that has got to the media is a photo of Kadaffi’s heavily wounded body covered in blood. According to sources, he was heavily wounded, especially to the legs, and was whizzed away in an ambulance. The cause of his death is as yet unconfirmed.

DNA Testing for Colonel Gaddafi’s remains?

When Bin Laden was found dead, DNA testing was instrumental to be sure that the right man had been caught. This was despite advanced computer software that was able to confirm the identity of the corpse based upon facial and other physical traits. DNA tests provide much sounder and definite proof of identity. It is thus, very likely that DNA samples will be taken from the alleged body of Maummar Gaddafi and compared to either DNA sources that authorities are in possession of or alternatively, use the DNA of the colonel’s known relatives. If DNA tests confirm the biological relationship between the DNA of the corpse and that of the colonel’s relatives, then Maummar Gaddafi is dead.



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