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easyDNA donates to Ireland’s Children’s Hospice, Lauralynn

CALIFORNIA,United States  11/12/2014 – easyDNA has donated to Ireland’s Children’s Hospice care, Lauralynn. easyDNA Ireland has an office based in Dublin and is one of the leading providers of DNA testing services in the country for many years. Over the years the company has embarked on various philanthropic endeavours, making charitable contributions to various NGOs and charities across the world.

LauraLynn Logo

Lauralynn is a hospice care for children with life limiting conditions which is also based in Dublin. The company has indeed been touched by the plight of many of these children and their families; children whose life will likely be cut short and whose families struggle to maximise their time with their sick children. As noted by the International Operations manager for easyDNA, “We chose this charity because they do a great job of supporting families in times of great need. Through our testing services we also deal with a lot of family situations that are not all rosy, and therefore we felt aligned to this charity on that level.”

In our line of business we unfortunately also deal with a lot of situations relating to family disputes and problems, and therefore we hope our small contribution to this charity it is important for companies to reach out and support those in need, noting that “such corporate efforts are not only about enhancing our brand but the charitable element defines our corporate identity.”

A Lauralynn hospice representative states the company’s aim: “Our holistic approach to care enables us to support the whole family, giving them choices to allow them to be ‘Mum and Dad’ again rather than full-time carers”. Lauralynn receives no state funding and needs to raise €2.9 million annually to keep its selfless work going. A client testimonial is worthy of mention as it embodies the emotions and gratitude of many families, parents and caregivers: “You and your child will have the best possible care until the end and beyond. LauraLynn cradled Victoria safely in love until she died in June 2012. Thanks to LauraLynn we can remember and talk about Victoria with a smile. With LauraLynn -You are not alone anymore ( Sharon, Victoria’s Mum)”

easyDNA has integrated corporate social responsibility into its modus operandi and is determined to continue reaching out to charitable organisations that depend on third party funding for survival. A company representative states that, “As a company, we are aware that NGOs and charities hardly receive any funds. In the UK for example, the total number of funds received equates to around 2% of charities’ total income. This is very sad indeed because even a small donation which is almost insignificant to a multi-national company’s total turnover can go a long way in helping the many organisations which as desperate for funds”. easyDNA hopes that through its own efforts at helping the community and those in need, other companies will follow suit.

To read more about our charity work with LauraLynn please click here



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