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Amanda Knox: Review of DNA Testing and Forensic Evidence in the Case

The DNA testing and forensic evidence in the Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito trial was centre of much criticism and controversy. The murder of Meredith Kercher, the British student who was brutally murdered in the northern Italian city of Parma, shocked the community and the lengthy trial which lasted 3 years has finally come to an end with Amanda Knox and her boyfriend at the time being freed from prison. DNA evidence was clearly not enough to support the case against- let us analyze the case.

DNA Contamination: The gloves

The gathering of forensic samples gathered by the forensic team was scrupulously filmed. A bra clasp, allegedly belonging to Kercher was found in the floor of her room. The experts found Sollecito’s DNA on the clasp; allas however, it was clear from close analysis of the footage taken that the forensic expert picking up the clasp had kept the same pair of gloves to pick up the clasp which he had already used to gather other pieces of evidence. Moreover, forensic experts where seen passing the clasp around before proceeding to put it in a bag – without the use of any tweezers. This means that the clasp could have easily been contaminated with Sollecito’s DNA. The DNA evidence revolving around the Kercher case has been centre of criticism and controversy with the Italian forensic teams being debunked for it callous way of going about the forensic evidence which was so important to the case. Forensic evidence in the Meredith Kercher case had been subject of criticism since the case hit the headlines.

The Knife: DNA testing reveals 2 profiles

The murder weapon was supposedly found. DNA analysis revealed DNA profiles of 2 females. On the blade it was supposedly Meredith Kercher’s blood, while on the handle of the knife it was that of Amanda Knox. Forensic experts later stated that the quantity of DNA on the knife was far too little and degraded to be able to draw up anybody’s DNA profile and should not have been allowed in court as evidence against the accused.

The 2 most important, or potentially most important pieces of evidence that might have helped conclude the investigation where rendered useless. Moreover, the Italian authorities have drawn harsh international criticism from those championing the meticulous high standards required of forensic teams.
Investigators where further shown to be in breach of other norms such as wearing protective clothing and also allowing multiple people to go on the crime scene. DNA testing and gathering of forensic evidence in the Amanda Knox trial has been defended by the head of the forensic department.



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